Sunday, September 6, 2009

Stevia serta kelebihan.

Antara Kelebihan Ekstrak Stevia:
  • Mengimbangkan kandungan gula dalam badan.
  • Meningkatkan kadar tenaga kepada tubuh badan.
  • Melicin & memutihkan kulit serta awet muda
  • Sebagai pemanis semulajadi sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur lelaki & wanita.
  • Membantu menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah(sesuai untuk pesakit diabetis & Hypoglycemia)
  • Membantu menurunkan tekanan darah.(untuk pesakit darah tinggi)
  • Membantu sistem penghadaman badan.
  • Membantu peminum yang mengalami masalah Isomnia
  • Berupaya mengawal berat badan yang berlebihan.(Obesiti)
Q. What is Stevia?

A. Stevia is a herb.
Stevia rebaudiana is a small shrub in the same family as lettuce, chicory and chrysanthemums. It grows wild in Paraguay and Brazil.
Stevia was "officially" discovered in the late 19th century by Dr. Moises Santiago Bertoni. He was given samples of the plant and he reported that "one small piece of the leaf will keep the mouth sweet for an hour". He named the plant Stevia Rebuadiani Bertoni in honor of a Paraguayan chemist name Rebaudi. Bertoni found that the Guarani Indians had been using stevia to sweeten bitter teas and as a sweet treat. Science later discovered that the glycoside substances in stevia leaves, including the steviosides, account for this plant’s incredible sweetness.
Q. Is Stevia Safe?
A. Yes.
Stevia is a natural product with centuries of usage since pre-Columbian times by natives in Paraguay with no reports of side effects. Rigerous research in hundreds of trials internationally have proven stevia to be completely non-toxic for both human and animal consumption. Stevia has been consumed in massive quantities (Thousands of tonnes annually) for over 40 years.
Q. I have heard that stevia has side effects?
A. Science has proven Stevia to have no side effects.
Stevia has been widely used in Japan since 1970 and there have been no reports of toxicity or other side effects. It has been thoroughly tested under rigorous conditions through hundreds of clinical and lab trials and found to be completely safe. Stevia has been extensively used around the world for over 40 years with NO reports of stevia overdose or toxicity.
Q. How Sweet is Stevia?
A. Stevia's sweetness depends on the particular form you are using.
Sweetness of the crude leaves from the stevia plant and leaf powder (green) varies from 10 - 15 times sweeter than sugar (but with a bitter aftertaste). Stevia concentrates (white powders or liquids) can be 100 to over 300 times sweeter than sugar. Not all concentrates are created equal so read the product label and literature to ensure what you are buying is 100% pure stevia and determine its sweetness level.
Q. How can Pure-le Natural's Stevias have no aftertaste unlike other brands?
A. Quality and purity.
Our concentrated Stevia powder is the highest grade available. It is 100% pure stevia with no added fillers. Lower grade stevia concentrates add fillers to reduce their costs. It is these fillers which have an unpleasant aftertaste. Our concentrated liquid contains no alcohol or glycerine (fillers commonly used in Stevia liquids). These additives are responsible for the distinctive aftertaste in some brands. Pure-le Natural Stevias are amazingly sweet, have a glycemic index of zero (0) and are free of any aftertaste.
Q. What are the benefits of Using Stevia?
A. Studies have shown the following benefits from using Stevia in your diet.
> Sugarless with no calories
> Will not affect blood sugar levels (neither up or down)
> 100% Natural
> Up to 300 times sweeter than sugar
> Heat and freezer stable (ideal for cooking, baking and freezing)
> Non-fermentable
> Flavour enhancer
> Plaque retardant Anti-caries (prevents cavities)
> Recommended for diabetics
> Non-toxic
> Extensively tested in humans and animals with no adverse effects.
No other sweetener can match this list of stevia’s benefits.
Q. Where is Stevia Grown?
A. Worldwide.
Originally stevia grew wild in Northern Paraguay and Southern Brazil. It was later cultivated as a sweetener until the introduction of sugar cane. Today Stevia is grown worldwide from Asia to South America, Europe, India, the Ukraine and even Canada and the United States.
Q. What are the types or forms of Stevia?
A. Stevia is available in both raw herb (green) and concentrated extracts (white powder and liquids)
Q. Why is Stevia just coming onto the market?
A. Stevia has been around for a long time in North America.
Studies on stevia go back to the 1950's but the U.S. sugar industry fought to prevent the use of stevia in the United States. Today, the manufacturers of artificial sweeteners have lobbied the FDA to prevent its approval as a sugar substitute. The situation is so bad that 60 Minutes, in 1997 aired a report on the tactics of artificial sweetener manufacturers when dealing with the FDA.
Q. Why don’t I see diet soft drinks sweetened with Stevia?
A. The answer is simple: Money!
The diet soft drink market is huge, worth billions of dollars and the manufacturers of artificial sweeteners are not about to share that market. They lobbied the FDA to stop the use of Stevia as a food ingredient thereby protecting their market. Artificial sweeteners are patented and those patents guarantee big profits, where Stevia is a natural plant that cannot be patented and it can be grown by anyone anywhere. In Japan, where artificial sweeteners are banned, stevia is found in numerous products, including virtually all diet soft drinks.
Q. If I am taking a prescription or over the counter medication will there be any interactions between Stevia and my medication?
A. There are no reports of stevia and medication interactions.
In fact stevia is used to sweeten some medications. However, if you are concerned you should always consult your health care provider.

Gula Stevia

Pokok Stevia @ Pokok Gula

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Apa itu gula?

Apakah sebenarnya gula?

Gula adalah makanan tanpa khasiat yang paling banyak dimakan dan memudaratkan.
Gula cuma menambah kalori dan akan disimpan sebagai lemak di dalam tubuh. Ia tidak
langsung berzat malah akan menyingkirkan zat yang sedia ada dalam tubuh. Gula juga
adalah penyebab utama kegemukkan!

Adakah badan kita perlukan gula?

Tidak perlu langsung! Ini kerana tubuh kita akan menukarkan banyak sumber makanan yang
lain kepada glukosa apabila badan perlukan tenaga.

Apakah kesan jika ambil gula berlebihan?

1. Melemahkan sistem imunisasi (melawan penyakit)
2. Menganggu imbangan galian dalam tubuh
3. Menyebabkan kanak-kanak menjadi hiperaktif, gelisah dan nakal.
4. Menyebabkan kanak-kanak rasa mengantuk dan mengurangkan kecergasan
5. Menjejaskan pencapaian kanak-kanak dalam pelajaran
6. Meningkatkan paras trigliserid
7. Melemahkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap jangkitan bakteria
8. Merosakkan buah pinggang
9. Mengurangkan kolesterol yang baik (HDLs)
10. Mengalakkan pertumbuhan kolesterol bahaya (LDLs)
11. Mengurangkan kromium dalam badan
12. Mengurangkan kuprum dalam badan
13. Menganggu serapan kalsium dan magnesium oleh sistem badan
14. Menyebabkan kanser payu dara, kanser ovari, kanser prostat dan kanser dubur
15. Menyebabkan kanser kolon (usus besar) dan wanita amat berisiko tinggi
16. Faktor kepada kanser pundi hempedu
17. Meningkatkan pasar glukosa dalam darah dengan cepat
18, Melemahkan penglihatan
19. Meningkatkan paras serotonin yang menyempitkan pembuluh darah
20. Penyebab hipoglisemia
21. Penyebab perut berasid
22. Meningkatkan paras adrenalin dikalangan kanak-kanak
23. Meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung koronari
24. Mempercepat proses penuaan, kulit berkedut, uban pada rambut
25. Membawa kepada ketagihan alkohol
26. Merosakkan gigi
27. Penyumbang utama kegemukkan
28. Meningkatkan risiko penyakit Crohn dan kolitis berulser
29. Penyebab bengkak saluran usus dikalangan pesakit gastrik
30. Penyebab artritis
31. Penyebab lelah
32. Pembentukan batu dalam ginjal
33. Penyebab jangkitan yis atau kandidiasis
34. Penyebab pembentukan batu karang hempedu
35. Penyebab sakit jantung iskemik
36. Penyebab sakit apendiks
37. Meransang tanda-tanda multiple sclerosis
38. Penyebab pendarahan
39. Penyebab Vena Varikos
40. Meningkatkan tindak balas glukosa dan insulin kepada pengamal pil cegah hamil
41. Penyebab sakit gusi
42. Penyumbang kepada Osteoporosis
43. Penyebab air liur menjadi berasid
44. Penyebab kemerosotan sensitiviti Insulin
45. Penyebab kemerosotan toleransi Glukosa
46. Mengurangkan hormon tumbesaran
47. Meningkatkan kolesterol dalam badan
48. Meningkatkan tekanan darah sistolik
49. Menyebabkan struktur protein bertukar hingga menganggu serapan protein oleh tubuh
50. Penyebab alergi terhadap makanan
51. Penyumbang kepada sakit kencing manis
52. Penyebab keracunan darah semasa hamil
53. Penyebab ekzema kepada kanak-kanak
54. Penyebab penyakit kardiovaskular
55. Melemahkan struktur DNA
56. Penyebab Katarak
57. Penyebab Emfisema
58. Penyebab arteriosclerosis
59. Penyebab pembentukan radikal bebas dalam aliran darah
60. Merendahkan kemampuan enzim
61. Penyebab kehilangan keanjalan tisu serta fungsinya
62. Penyebab sel hati terbahagi dan ini akan meningkatkan saiz hati
63. Meningkatkan lemak dalam Hati
64. Membesarkan saiz buah pinggang
65. Memberikan tekanan tinggi kepada pankreas dan akan merosakkannya
66. Meningkatkan retensi cecair dalam badan
67. Penyebab sembelit
68. Penyebab rabun jauh
69. Penyebab lapisan rerambut
70. Penyebab hipertensi
71. Penyebab sakit kepala
72. Menganggu kemampuan berfikir
73. Penyebab kemurungan
74. Meningkatkan tindak balas insulin
75. Penyebab penapaian bakteria dalam usus
76. Penyebab ketidak seimbangan hormon
77. Meningkatkan risiko darah beku dalam badan
78. Meningkatkan risiko sakit Alzheimer

Kenapa sesetengah makanan yang senarai bahan-bahannya tiada ditulis gula tapi masih manis?
Jangan terpedaya! Gula biasanya akan dinamakan dengan nama lain seperti;

>Sirap Glukosa
>Sirap maple
>Sirap hitam
>Sirap kencana

Berapa banyak gula yang ada dalam makanan dan minuman?

1) Minuman bergas 500ml - 14.4 sudu teh
2) Minuman dalam tin tanpa gas 350ml - 9.6 sudu teh
3) Minuman coklat malt dalam tin 125ml - 5.5 sudu teh
4) Kek buah-buahan 40g - 3.5 sudu teh
5) Bijirin sarapan bersalu madu 220g - 10.1 sudu teh
6) Ubat batuk botol kecil di farmasi - 15.8 sudu teh
7) Aiskrim coklat sepotong saiz biasa - 7.7 sudu teh
Cool Sundae restoran makanan segera - 10.3 sudu teh
9) Rempah ayam segera satu pek - 4.7 sudu teh
10) Minuman berkultur satu botol kecil - 2.7 sudu teh
11) Susu pekat manis dalam tin kecil - 35.5 sudu teh!

Stevia: Sugar takes a backseat

Stevia sweetener plant

The miracle-herb Stevia Rebaudiana is the only choice for an all-natural sugar replacement. Stevia has been the only permissible sugar substitute in Japan since the mid seventies. Artificial sweeteners are prohibited there. The Japanese used Stevia instead of sugar in soy sauce, tea, sweet pickles and soft drinks such as Diet Coke. Stevia is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar, so you need much less. And the best thing: Stevia has no calories!

Stevia tastes great and is the ideal natural replacement for sugar and poisonous artificial sweeteners.

Stevia sugar replacementHealth-concious people are looking for ways to remove sugar from their diet, but want to avoid toxic sweeteners like Aspartame. Sugar raises the blood sugar level and causes dental decay. Stevia has no influence on blood sugar levels. Sugar feeds intestinal Candida - Stevia doesn't. Sugar makes you fat - Stevia doesn't. People have not evolved to handle the enormous amount of sugar in our modern diet. If we do not limit our sugar intake, we will end up with Diabetes.

Here in the West, we are addicted to sugar and it is making us sick. As a nutritionist, I know all to well the ravages of excessive sugar intake - I do not have to tell you - it is common knowledge. Some people are worried about possible side effects of Stevia - there arent any.

If you are trying to lose weight, keep your weight stable or have Diabetes type 2 or a chronic Candida infection, you can do worse things for your health than to replace sugar by Stevia. Cost is not a factor because Stevia is up to three hundred times sweeter than sugar. This means that if you pay 300 times more for your Stevia than you pay for the equivalent amount of sugar, that you still pay the same for the same sweetness. Stevia needs getting used to. The main thing is not to over/dose. because it is so sweet, you can easily add too much and then the brain gets such a strong "sweetness" signal that it becomes distorted and a lingering licorice taste results. Always start with a little too little, then slowly work your way up until you found the right dose. Thist takes some practice. I use a toothpick and several tiny scoops. I keep the pure Stevia powder in an old-fashioned film container. Stevia is so insanely sweet that you will notice breathing in even the tiniest amount through your nose